Career Profile

Philipp is an Angular / AngularJS early adopter and recognized as one of the leading experts in this area. He is also the author of the first German book on that topic. Moreover, Philipp loves all kinds of web technologies and distributed systems and has spent the past 20 years studying them intensely.

If he is not fiddling around with JavaScript, TypeScript, Go or Java, Philipp is most likely teaching others to do so. Lately, his main area of interest are programmable blockchains (e.g. Ethereum), DApps and all use cases that are connected to these technologies.

Skills & Proficiency

Angular & AngularJS

JavaScript & TypeScript

Node.js / Express / NestJS



Experiences (recent 10 years only)

Senior Principal Software Engineer

2017 - 2020
Symantec (later acquired by Broadcom), Hamburg (Remote)

Leading Frontend System Design & Architecture and Implementation of a Cloud-based DLP (Data Loss Prevention) Solution

After the Broadcom Acquisition:

Migrating a Legacy AngularJS-based CASB (Cloud Access Security Broker) Frontend to Angular 9, System Design & Architecture for an Angular 9 SPA, Training Colleagues on Several Angular related Topics.

Technologies: AngularJS, Grunt, Bootstrap, Node.js, Angular, TypeScript, Nx, RxJS, NGXS, PrimeNG

CTO / Lead Developer / Architect

2016 - 2017
immo insights, Essen

Requirements Engineering, System Design & Architecture and Implementation of a Cloud-based Real Estate Profitability Solution, Managing Communication & Integration with 3rd-Party Component Suppliers

Technologies: Angular, TypeScript, Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Ansible, Go

Senior Principal Software Engineer (Freelancer)

2015 - 2016
Symantec, Hamburg

Leading Frontend System Design & Architecture and Implementation of a Cloud-based DLP (Data Loss Prevention) Solution

Technologies: AngularJS, Gulp, Webpack, Bootstrap, Java, Spring Boot, Maven

CEO / Consultant / Trainer

2013 - 2015
Symetics, Essen

Managing a Team of 5-10 Consultants / Trainers, Consulting Customers on Angular, AngularJS, Node.js and Go adaptation, Running Inhouse and Public Workshops on Aforementioned Technologies (, Operating Online Community Platforms for Aforementioned Technologies (

Technologies: Angular, AngularJS, Node.js, Express, Go

Lead Platform Engineer (Freelancer)

2012 - 2013
DB Schenker, Essen

Requirements Engineering, System Design & Architecture and Implementation of an AngularJS-based Proprietary UI Framework for Logistics Apps, Managing 3rd-Party Component Suppliers from Across the World

Technologies: Java EE, Enterprise Architect, AngularJS, Bootstrap

Technical Supervisor / Lead Frontend Engineer (Freelancer)

2011 - 2012
CompuGroup Medical, Koblenz

Requirements Engineering, System Design & Architecture and Implementation of a Web-based Frontend for an On-Prem Doctor Information System, Managing the International Frontend Development Team (10 people)

Technologies: Java, Maven, Spring, JDBC, Tomcat, AngularJS, Kendo UI, Bootstrap

Lead Developer / Architect (Freelancer)

2009 - 2011
bee42 solutions, Bochum

Requirements Engineering, System Design & Architecture and Implementation of a Web-based On-Prem Monitoring Solution for Java Servlet Containers

Technologies: Java, Vert.x, Maven, Spring, JDBC, Tomcat, jQuery, Backbone.js, AngularJS